Social Media
Conferences and Workshops
Pubilc Events
Social Media
Selected media coverage:
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Conferences and Workshops
IAMCP EMEA CONFERENCE – ILLUMINATE2023 | Lecce, Italy | IAMCP and University of Salento, Lecce | 05. – 07.06.2023 | AI in Biomedical Research and Medical Technology | https://www.unisalento.it/documents/3721583/3727103/PROGRAMMA-ILLUMINATE2023.pdf/7cdb49fd-a639-4418-628d-23f34d6be4b0 |
Women in Science 2023 | Erlangen, Germany | FAU Erlangen | 18.06.2023 | Invited speaker: Remotely responsive magnetic nanomaterials for neuromodulation | https://www.w4w.nat.fau.eu/invited-speakers/ |
Max Weber, Elite Network of Bayern | Erlangen, Germany | Max Weber Program, Studienstiftung | 30.06.2023 | Keynote lecture: Remotely responsive magnetic nanomaterials for neuromodulation -New avenues to non-invasive ‘fix’ and ‘catch-up’ of the brain | https://www.elitenetzwerk.bayern.de/start |
ICML 2023 | Honolulu, USA | ICML | 28.07.2023 | Breaking the Structure of Multilayer Perceptrons with Complex Topologies | https://proceedings.mlr.press/v221/boccato23a.html |
The European School on Magnetism – ESM 2023 | Madrid, Spain | The European Magnetism Association | 04. – 15.09.2023 | Synthesis and characterization of MNDs for neuromodulation | https://magnetism.eu/224-2023-school.htm |
ESSCIRC/ESSDERC 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal | IEEE | 11.09.2023 | Workshop talk: Functional nanointerfaces for communicating with neurons trough ion channels | https://www.esscirc-essderc2023.org/ |
Engineering of Advanced Materials Graduate school at FAU opening | Erlangen, Germany | FAU Erlangen | 04.10.2023 | Keynote lecture: Advanced nanomaterials at the frontier of the wireless neurotech | |
Colloquia Technical Faculty FAU | Erlangen, Germany | Department of materials science, FAU | 24.10.2023 | Invited speaker: Advanced nanomaterials at the frontier of the wireless neurotech | |
IEEE NorCAS 2023 | Aalborg, Denmark | IEEE | 01.11.2023 | Keynote lecture: Medical Wearable and Implantable Devices | https://events.tuni.fi/norcas2023/speakers/ |
Centre for Neurotechnology Workshop | Glasgow, UK | University of Glasgow | 25.03.2024 | Nanoinvasive Deep Brain Stimulation Using Engineered Micro-Coils | https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/neurotechnology/ |
Pubilc Events
European Researchers Night 2023 | Frascati, Italy | Associazione Frascati Scienza, Frascati | 29. – 30.09.2023 | PARLARE CON I NEURONI: NANO-TECNOLOGIE AL SERVIZIO DELLA MEDICINA | https://www.frascatiscienza.it/fsapp/evento/858 |
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften | Erlangen, Germany | Kulturidee Nürnberg | 21.10.2023 | Oral presentation, Exhibition |
https://nacht-der-wissenschaften.de/ |

This project has received funding from the European Union’s European Innovation Council, call HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDEROPEN-01, under Grant Agreement n. 101099355